Patients with routine and urgent medical concerns will be triaged by telephone prior to being offered a consultation with a doctor. Doctors will only see patients as needed after telephone assessments.
All Social Worker, first contact physio and Mental Health appointments will be carried out as telephone consultations.
Baby vaccination clinics and warfarin will run as usual.
Attending Appointments
When you are attending your appointments please make sure you are either wearing a mask or scarf to cover your mouth. Thank you
Advice and Support Websites
Asthma UK — Asthma Support
Right Breathe —- Asthma Support
Advice for parents if a child becomes unwell
Dealing with Bereavement and Grief
Cardiology Care During Covid-19
Crohn’s and Colitis information
Diabetes Helpline
This helpline service is for patients with diabetes and concerns about Covid 19. This line will run seven days a week including bank holidays from 9am until 3pm and operate for 12 weeks initially.
Helpline Number – 028 9536 0600
Helpline email –
Advice for handling Alcohol Dependency
Advice for people who use drugs
Social Distancing support for people who are blind or partially sighted
For the Haematology Helpline and more information regarding Cardiology Care during Covid-19 please Click here